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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Meaning and Importance of Pain

Gandhi stated something to the effect of, "I do not pray to stop my suffering. I pray to be worthy of it."  This may seem strange and masochistic.  My interpretation is that the meaning of pain and suffering is that something needs to change, something is out of balance.  We are creatures of habit who generally continue in our routines of thoughts and actions until they cause us so much grief that change is essential.  This is the gift of desperation that can lead to new awareness and healthier, more constructive thoughts and actions.  It seems pains and suffering is essential to the human learning process.  For this reason it makes sense to honor our pain and suffering as an invaluable teacher and not to simply seek to be rid ourselves of it or avoid it.  If pain leads to awareness and awareness leads to change, growth, and healing, it makes sense that Gandhi would pray to be worthy of participating is such a process.  In listening to our pain we can learn to understand what our needs are and how to take care of them in a way that leads to healing and growth.

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